Progressive tools

Optimized for high-volume manufacturing

Progressive tools

We manufacture high-precision cutting and progressive tools, available as standalone solutions (up to 450 mm) or modular configurations (where separate modules are assembled into a unified tool structure up to 2000 mm). Designed for automated production lines, our cutting tools are produced using modern EDM and CNC manufacturing processes. The progressive tool design is developed in 3D + 2D formats (Inventor, CATIA). From concept development to final implementation, we work closely with our customers to define tool specifications, press force requirements, and optimal clamping space dimensions. This proactive approach minimizes tooling costs early in the metal stamping process and maximizes production efficiency.

We Also Provide:

  • Adjustments, modifications, and repair services for cutting tools

  • Preventive maintenance and servicing of cutting tools

  • Production of replacement parts for cutting tools

Progressive tools
Progressive tools
Progressive tools